Gondolas in Saalbach Hinterglemm& Leogang
Ca. 10 % discount on single tickets with the Viehhofen Summer Card
Opening hours & prices 2024:
Saalbach Hinterglemm
H1+H2 Kohlmaisbahn: 29/05/ – 12/10/
Adults: € 34,00
Young people: € 25,50
Children: € 17,00
D1 Reiterkogelbahn: 29/05/ – 26/10/
Adults: € 24,00
Youth: €18,00
Children: € 12,00
B1+B2 12er KOGEL: 29/05/ – 01/06/ & 06/06/ – 28/09/
Adults: € 34,00
Young people: € 25,50
Children: € 17,00
A3+A4 west summit cable car: 29/05/ – 01/06/ & 06/06/ – 05/10/
Adults: € 34,00
Young people: € 25,50
Children: € 17,00
A1+A2 Schattberg X-press: 06/06/ – 28/09/
Adults: € 34,00
Young people: € 25,50
Children: € 17,00
A6 Schattberg Sprinter: 06/06/ – 28/09/
Adults: € 12,00
Young people: € 9,00
Children: € 6,00
L1+L2 Asitzbahn until mid: 09/05/ - 16/05/
Adults € 25,00
Youth (2005 - 2007) € 19,00
Children (2008 - 2017) € 12,50
L1+L2 Asitzbahn to Top: 17/05/ - 26/10/
Adults € 34,00
Youth (2005 - 2007) € 25,50
Children (2008 - 2017) € 17,00
L3+L4 Steinbergbahn: 29/05/ - 14/09/
27/10/ - start of skiing
Adults € 30,50
Youth (2005 - 2007) € 23,00
Children (2008 - 2017) € 15,50
Saalbacher Bergbahnen GMBH
Eberhartweg 308
A-5753 Saalbach
T +43 6541 6271-0
E saalbach@lift.at
W www.saalbach.com
Hinterglemmer Bergbahnen GMBH
Zwölferkogelweg 208
A-5754 Hinterglemm
T +43 6541 6321-0
E hinterglemm@lift.at
W www.saalbach.com
Leoganger Bergbahnen GmbH
Hütten 39
A-5771 Leogang
T +43 6583 8219-0
E info@leoganger-bergbahnen.at
W www.saalfelden-leogang.com