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„Your must-have“

The Viehhofen Summer Card

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„Your must-have“

The Viehhofen Summer Card

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Pastoral play

SUN, 22.12.2024  |  5:00 pm o'clock

A contemplative Christmas experience

Experience the traditional shepherds' play in the festively decorated parish church - a special event that brings the Christmas story to life in all its beauty and depth. The journey of the shepherds to the cot is touchingly retold in an atmospheric setting and offers a moment of reflection and contemplation in the often hectic pre-Christmas period.

The shepherds' play is a wonderful opportunity to get in the mood for the festive season with family and friends and to experience the meaning of Christmas in a traditional way.

Pastoral play
(Sunday) - 05:00 pm
Organisation: Julia Eder & Stefanie Rasser
Catering: Mulled wine, punch & biscuits

This year, the proceeds from voluntary donations will benefit the Verein Vielfalt campaign to fulfil the heartfelt wishes of children in our region.

We look forward to welcoming you and getting into the Christmas spirit together!


All Advent Events:

Immerse yourself in the holiday spirit and celebrate a joyful Advent season with us in Viehhofen! We look forward to sharing these special moments with you.
